hye there peepss.....
what's you guys have been doing for you weekend????whatever it is, it must be interesting rite????that's so good guys, benefit your weekend, live it to the fullest.....as for me, hurm only me, my room and my aunt and uncle...this weekend like any other weekend that i have been through is just a boring , lame weekend except this weekend, Christian celebrate Christmas....i like Christmas actually, why????because the television will show interesting movie and i'm willing to stay up for it...hahahahahah...alright, at least i do something on my weekend....but then it is still a boring weekend....i wanna go out, have some fun, go on windows shopping, watch movies, buy few books and other stuff that i can do...but it only remain as my wants...this weekend have come to an end, therefore i can only wish that my other weekend will not be the same as this one....you guys must be wondering why i did not go out rite????i can go out if i want to, my aunt are able to send me wherever i want to go but Mr.DD prohibited me from going out...neither alone or with my friends...i can only go out with him or with my family....how stressful...i love travelling, walking or doing things that requires me to move but he....hurm....i can only sight.....he always say that i should ask him to accompany me wherever, whenever i wanna go out and i did,yesterday...but the reply, he is busy with his nephews, he has to take care of them so he can only give me the answer tomorrow that is today....krakkkkk my heart break into two...i did not cry last nite like i always do whenever he cannot take me out, cause i know i won't and i couldn't go out today..so i stay up late watching movies all by myself....and when i sleep late that mean i will wake up late and that's what happen today...i wake up at 9 a.m, have my breakfast at 10, doing nothing until 1 p.m then go downstairs coz my aunt neighbour is enggage today and be upstairs at 2.30 doing nothing until 3 then on9 until i feel like off9...so basically that my routine for every weekends....i think that's all from me...and oh before i forgotten, Mr.DD if you read this happy 2nd anniversary and happy 5th friendship.....daaaaaaa guyssssss......

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