Saturday, October 31, 2009

today is not my day....

well i went out wif 'sumone'... mmg sah la ak xnk kuar ngn die dh..... npe ak kne mrah???? kn slah die..... ak kuar pun sbb die yg suh.... bongok.... 'hey ingt ak tringin sgt ke nk kuar ngn ko.... ak kuar ngn ko pun sbb kasihan je taw.... n then ko nk mrah ak lak ble xikt ckp ko... ape ko ingt ak nie kuli ko ke??? eh ak pun taw mrah gak la...' eeeeeee gram snggh ak ngn die tu... de ke patut, die suh ak kuar pg2, ak ckp la nk kuar lmbt ckit, tp die kte die dh de kat dpn kolej... ak pun brusaha la ciap cpat nk trun cpat xnk die tggu... alih2 die ne de kat dpn kolej lg..... mati2 ak kne tipu..... mmg sah la pas nie ak xnk kuar ngn die lg....


Thursday, October 22, 2009

On The Last Day of Raya.....

On the last day of raya that is on 19 Oct 2009, KPMIM held a grand event of Raya Celebration...
Well I went there along with my two frenz.....
We had a great fun that night.....
It was one of the best night....
Simply becoz of the free goof they were giving and the performance by Ayehan....
he is one of the best singer in the college....
his voice are tremendously sweet, ok so I may exaggerate a little but hey it is really sweet....
after the eating and enjoying the performance, we decided to be a little wild....
Well taking pictures, crazy pictures of course....
we really enjoying the moment coz we don't know whether we will be able to feel like this ever again.
That's we decided that it should be treasure in pictures....
coz i want the whole world to know how happy I am that night....
eventhough yesterday was my bad day.....
but hey that night have make up the bad day....
ok I think that's it for today kot....
i don't know maybe later this evening I will post another blog, who knows....
wait there someone knows about it,
only God knows about it....
ok everyone daaaaaaa from me...
May God Be with You....
Lea Farhana


Sunday, October 18, 2009

inferiority complex.....

it's been a while since i lat updated my blog.....
well, nothink much happen lately...
just that i develop a something that called 'Inferiority complex'.....
dun know what is inferiority complex,
well you can just google it and find it out yourself...
it is actually a habit of feeling inferior to others.

i found this article and i want to share it with you guys....

Overcome inferiority Complex

Someone once said that they had an inferiority complex but it wasn't a very good one. This may be a joke but it has a serious point. If you have got into the habit of feeling inferior to others then you can literally feel inferior about anything. Feeling inferior is linked to a sense of shame about the self. A feeling that you are not 'up to the mark' or that some how you just don't cut the mustard. As human beings we are all aware of status although it's popular to pretend we don't care about status at all. We use terms like 'dis' for 'disrespect', being 'one up' or 'put down'. Where we are on the pecking order is important to us. An inferiority complex makes you constantly worry about what others think of you. Of course why shouldn't it be just important what you think of them?

Where does an inferiority complex come from?

Inferiority complexes develop from the experience of being 'brain washed' by other people. Maybe you have been unrelentingly criticized and put down by others. Some people like to squash any hint of positive self regard in others and it's easy to be influenced by such people. This session will help you move beyond such former brain washing. If you have an inferiority complex chances are you feel more comfortable spending your time with people you feel aren't too accomplished or successful or good looking or confident themselves. You probably prefer being with people who you feel aren't going to judge you too harshly.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Doaku 'jika ak jatuh cinta'

petikan ini diebrikan kpd ak drpd seseorg....


Ya Allah...
Jika aku jatuh cinta,
cintakannlah ak pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padamu,
agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk menyintai mu...

Ya Muhaimin,
Jika aku jatuh hati,
izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yanghatinya tertaut padaMu,
agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta nafsu...

Ya Rabbana,
Jika aku jatuh hati,
jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak berpaling daripada hatimu.....

Ya Rabbul Izzati,
Jika aku rindu,
rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalan mu...

Ya Allah,
Jika aku menikmati cinta kekasihmu,
jgnlah kenikmatan itu melabihi indahnya bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirmu....

Ya Allah,
Jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasihmu,
jgn biarkan aku tertaih dan terjatuh dalam perjalanan panjang menyeru manusia kepadaMu....



Saturday, October 03, 2009

feeling so so so wrong........

once again i did smthng stupid....
so stupid that i shouldn't be forgive....
i did so many sins...
but as a human we all did atleast a sin...
but what i did is much2 bigger.....

i have hurt him....
i know that i have dissapointed evryone( if they know bout it)...
but i felt very guilty is towards my God....
i know that i'm not strong to resist the temptation...
i also know that i'm not strong in facing my obstacle....

God, please forgive me for what i did...
