all right, today's entry is about the dinner that I attend yesterday's nite. That is DEC 5B DINNER yang diadakan di RESTORAN ANA IKAN BAKAR..makan siap ala ala stail kampung you, siap bersila bagai....muahahahah..and I'm prouldy saying that it is
Dinner of the Year in My Life.
for that lovely and most happening dinner, i would like to express my greatest attitude towards:
the organizer that is my lovely assistance class rep Syasya.
thnx sya for arrange the happening dinner.
for finding the lovely place
and for the menu that made my stomach full.
mmg betul betul PJK la..
to my classma8 yang sudi hadir ke dinner tuh.
terima kasih sebab korang dah happening kan dinner tuh.
kerenah korng betul betul dapat membuat saper saper jek pun gelak and terhibur.
aku tak kan luper korang la sampai bile bile pun..
korg adalah kawan terbaik yang aku dapat.
not to be forgotten,
the three most beautiful and cute lecturer,
Miss Eikin, Miss Fara and Miss hasniza.
thanx for willing mencemar duli join dinner kiteowng.
you guys are the best lecturer la miss miss sekalian.hehehehee..
kenangan dalam kelas mmg tak kan saya luperkan la miss.
to Miss Hasniza,
thnx sudi hadir wlaupun miss tak ajar kiteowng.
meja mkanan yang best la...
pose sume....

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