Seperti yang tertera kat atas 2, dgn sonoknyer ak nk bgtaw ak beli baju baru...
lihat la dunia aku dapat bukan 1,bukan 2 tapi tiga baju baru....2 bju mom blikan 1 lagi bju mom yg buatkan(my mom ske sgt bli bju kat sy,xpyh sruh pun taw) thnx mummy...
u're d best mom that I've ever wanted....
(timbul kerisauan) adakah 'org itu' akan approve baju2 aku 2? 2 la bli bju xingt kat die tp....
npe msti ak pakai cm len lau ak ngan die? npe ak x leh pkai je pkaian yg slalu ak pkai?
'ak taw npe Farhana, sbb die xske..'
tp ne taw die ske ke? bek ak try pkai n tnye die.
'Farhana, die 2 dak alim taw, blaja kat syria. kau pun taw die amek pe kn. abs 2 kau rse die akn approve ke?'
ala kau nie spoil la, atleast bg la smgt kat ak ke, ape ke tuk ak tnjk kn dri ak yg sbnarnyer kat die,not that i'm not being myself when i'm wif him juz that it's my attire, my style. I don't know whether he can accept it or not...
'okla2, ak support kau. tp lau die x approve gak, ak akn kte one thing je'
pe die?
'ak dh ckp dh'
ha?&*^%$#@ xgne pnye kata hati....but still i have to do this...

p/s: I dunno what's the significant of this photo with this entry, i juz like this pic...

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