hmmmm,let's start by saying that i juz broke up with my boyfriend Zaim and now I end up having a relationship with someone that i thought never had feelings towards me...back then,Iz,
he used to be my pet bro but i end up fell in love with him(that's normal rite???).never cross my mind to fall in love at that time especially someone like him(but he is so cute at least that what i thought) but I know that I never stand a chance since he already engaged with the girl that his family has chosen for heart broke when i found out his engagement from somebody else.I don't know why the hell on earth he kept secret from me,if he does not accept my's ok but at least treat me like his it so much to ask???if he can tell everybody,why he don't tell me???i was really upset with him..I dragged my self far from him,i stop texting him,.stop calling him and stop seeing him. At last we both lost contact from each other.i carry on to live without him. As my life just begin to recover,he come back into my life with just a simple text`nie along ke?' i was shocked but i reply because i wanted to hear what he's going to say and i end up texting him the whole day. He confess his feelings to me and saying that he never love his ex fiancee and his love only for me,he got engaged because of his family.i admit that i was touch by his make the story short,i leave my boyfriend for him,yeah2 i know that you all sya that i stupid but the truth is i never really love my boyfriend,the only reason i aceept my boyfriend rite now is because i pity him for his past life, i never thought that i would see Iz again after months.I know that people will say that i'm cruel for doing that but i have to follow my heart rite.I don't want to lie to him saying that i loved him but the truth i don't.I hope he will forgive me....I'm really sorry Zaim.I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
p/s:so sorry if my grammar is terrible.I'm trying to improve my grammar.